Veterans Day – A Blue Star, a Flag, and a Letter

Flag and letter

Veterans Day –

A Blue Star, a Flag, and a Letter

Veterans Day is tomorrow, and although I am a veteran, on this day, I usually think back to my father, and various uncles.  This year, I’m thinking about a bit more.

Sometime after Dad died, my mom gave me a “yearbook” of his from the 60th Infantry Regiment, in the 9th Infantry Division. Dad was in that unit in WWII. The book was published in 1942, before they shipped out. Dad had gone home in August of ’42 on furlough for a visit, and evidently left the book behind with my grandma. Inside the book, I found the Blue Star, an American Flag and a letter from my grandmother, all shown in the attached photo.

The Blue Star was my Grandmothers. In fact, she would have had two in her window during World War II – one for my dad, and one for my Uncle Mick, who was in the Navy. Those who lost someone in the war would have displayed Gold Stars.

The Flag. Well, we aren’t sure on the story of the flag. It has 48 stars and is torn and stained with something – Blood? Rust? We aren’t sure. One version is that my dad was carrying it with him when he was wounded. Another version is that Grandma had it hanging in the window, along with the Blue Stars.

The Letter was from my grandma to my dad, who was then 19, and was written about 3 months before he took part in the invasion of North Africa. It’s hard to read the letter in the photo, so I’ve transcribed it here…..

                                                                                                  Ottawa, Ill

                                                                                                  August 15, 1942

My Wonderful boy,

        I am alone now. All are gone somewhere, so my thoughts are with you son. I am sorry I broke down when you left, but I could not help it. My heart is almost broke.

       I have always been a Father and Mother to you. I have went hungry and cold many a time for you children, but it was worth it to me. May God bless and protect you, where ever you go. I hope to live till all you children are old boys and girls. I will close now and say Good Night. With all the love in the world,


The letter is so simple, and yet so powerful. It makes me think about the fact that Veteran’s Day isn’t just about the veterans, but also the families of those veterans, and the things they have given us. Today, as we thank our veterans, let’s also think about their families and thank them for the sacrifices they have made as well.

In today’s world, with no draft, many folk have no connection to the military, or what “being in the military” means for the soldier, or his or her family.  Spend some time on Veterans Day and think about it.  Then, maybe, spend more than just Veterans Day thanking those who have served, and their families.

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